Thursday, April 9, 2009

I don't know about you but it's springtime!

Daffodils, forsythia, hyacinths, tulips, pollen.

Spring in Brooklyn. [Expletive deleted] fantastic.

Reflecting the recent dearth of posts, I have not been running. Fancy that. But even my big big list of excuses can't compete with that subtle verdant note on the breeze that marks the official end of winter. I've been going out as often as I am able and running as hard as I can.

The most mundane routes look different due to the surprise cherry blossoms, scores of strollers, big muddy puddles to splash through, and other runners out, some having spent their winters hunched over treadmills or cardio contraptions, seeming to shake their heads in disbelief that this pastoral beauty (exaggeration alert) has existed all through the winter.

Spring feels almost like a reward, a present, for having braved the winter weather.

Thank you, 23* tilt of the Earth's axis, this is just what I always wanted! How did you know?